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Sex Drive **1/2

Directed by Sean Anders. With Katrina Bowden, Amanda Crew, Clark Duke, Seth Green and Josh Zuckerman. Distributed by Summit Entertainment. Running time: 1 hour, 41 mins. Rated: R (sex, nudity, crude humor, profanity, adult themes) Playing at: area theaters.

Directed by Sean Anders. With Katrina Bowden, Amanda Crew, Clark Duke, Seth Green and Josh Zuckerman. Distributed by Summit Entertainment. Running time: 1 hour, 41 mins. Rated:


(sex, nudity, crude humor, profanity, adult themes) Playing at: area theaters.

Sex Drive

isn't credited to Judd Apatow Jr., but it may as well be. A testosterone-fueled road movie that displays the same Apatow-ian obsessions, and raunch, as

Pineapple Express



, and

The 40-Year-Old Virgin,

this adolescent comedy tracks an 18-year-old virgin - nerdboy Ian (Josh Zuckerman) - who drives his brother's Pontiac GTO from Chicago to Knoxville, Tenn., for an assignation with "Ms. Tasty," a babe ready and willing to deflower him.

At least Ian


she's a babe. He's only communicated via the Internet, and scoped out photos from her e-mails. For all he knows, she's really a he. But Ian is desperate enough - and horny enough - to take the risk.

Friends Lance (Clark Duke, a teenage Rainn Wilson) and Felicia (Amanda Crew) join Ian on his cross-country hegira. Lance is a goofy-looking lady-killer full of sexual confidence and cool. Felicia is Ian's longtime best pal - but it's platonic, and you know where that's going.

Along the way, there's a stop in Amish country, where Seth Green, in beard, hat and buggy, delivers the film's funniest scenes as a sarcastic Amish dude who's also an ace car mechanic. It's Rumspringa here - the time when Amish teens get a chance to go wild - so next thing you know, there are girls flinging off their bonnets and frocks. Amish orgy madness!

The comedy is uniformly crude and lewd, some of it works and some of it's lame.

- Steven Rea