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Letters: Editorial got fracking all wrong

PRESIDENT Obama's interior secretary, Sally Jewel, recently noted that "there is a lot of misinformation about fracking." She's absolutely right, and a Daily News editorial ("Tracking fracking") is a classic display of this ignorance.

PRESIDENT Obama's interior secretary, Sally Jewel, recently noted that "there is a lot of misinformation about fracking." She's absolutely right, and a

Daily News

editorial ("Tracking fracking") is a classic display of this ignorance.

First, according to any number of regulatory experts - including top Obama administration officials - hydraulic fracturing is well-regulated and safe. Indeed, former Energy Secretary Steven Chu has stated that shale development "is something you can do in a safe way."

Second, Pennsylvania has some of the nation's strongest environmental regulations. The State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulations (STRONGER) - a nonprofit, multistakeholder organization that assists states in assessing energy and environmental regulations - has found that Pennsylvania's regulatory program is "proficient and ready to address" shale-related activities.

Additionally, voters across the political spectrum strongly support responsible American shale development. A December Honeywell poll found that "a supermajority of 75 percent believes that natural gas development in the U.S. is driving economic resurgence in the nation, specifically in sectors including manufacturing."

Lastly, new energy taxes will hurt Pennsylvania's competitiveness, risking sustained job creation and the downstream opportunities - especially those associated with manufacturing across southeastern Pennsylvania - tied to this generational opportunity.

We'd hope that the Daily News - sooner rather than later - accepts these clear facts.

David Spigelmyer

President, Marcellus Shale Coalition
